In front of Fenals beach, and at a depth of 22 m. begins the extension of rocks called the Barra. Three rocks in the center are the only visual reference highlighted. The slope descends gently to 30 meters, and once there, the immensity of the sand marks the end and the return back to the end of anchoring.

During the summer of 1994, more than seventy blocks were anchored whose function is to avoid near-shore trawling and the destruction of Posidonia meadows (Posidonia oceanica). This artificial biotope, located at a depth of 23 meters on a sandy bottom, is constituted by a series of hollow blocks of 5 meters high. Thanks to the presence of these structures is getting to settle a rich and diverse marine population among which we can find groupers.

The dive starts down the anchor line directly to a depth of thirty-two meters. The immersion takes place between rock formations of precoraligen on a sandy bottom that are directed towards the coast, an alternative in the itinerary is to initiate the immersion with the stones to the left and to give the complete return to the rocks. The existence of spirographs, brunettes, scorpions, etc. is abundant. A simple dive for lovers of deep diving

For advanced divers. Bolets surprised by the physiognomy of the rocks, which with the shape of "mushrooms" gives the place its name. From twenty-one to thirty-one meters is, along with Bullents, one of the places with more diversity of life, from seahorses to roosters of San Pedro. A lot of abandoned networks redecorate these curious rocks.

Fitó or the rock of three top. Located near Roca Muladera, and separated by a field of poseidonia, we find a mountain range with three outstanding peaks, five, six and seven meters respectively, being the place in the middle peak. Once down the south face, we see a parallel rock that begins to measure once, and draws a canyon that rests nineteen meters deep.

Beautiful prairie of gorgonians over 1.5 meters high at about 50 meters deep.

The area to visit is the island of tossa. Its characteristic rock formation allows to enter through the numerous canyons that are created between the rock tongues descended radially from the surface up to 24 meters in the south-southeast part of the Island. The large vertical wall surfaces found in the canyons of La Isla, together with the cracks and coral seaweed formations present at the base of these, make La Isla one of the best immersion sites in the area

All diving levels

One of the best known dives in the area. As the fishermen know it, begins right at the level or the rock of the east, and at three meters the other rock. On calm days, we can not see the peak of the rock. The anchor line falls right in the middle of the two rocks, in the canyon. The anchoring is fourteen meters, guided by the walls of both rocks and with enough space for an OPEN WATER DIVER diver to feel safe and comfortable.

Near the popular Muladera rock. It is knowledge by its extension and vertical stop is that they fall from 25 to 30 m, surrounded by a sandy bottom.

Two rock formations separated by a sandy bottom channel with abundant life. Due to its profile, it is suitable for divers of all levels and excellent for night time activities. The boat anchors to a depth of seven meters, the immersion begins exploring the wall of the largest rock from its maximum depth (seventeen meters).

Perduts (Lost) owes its name to the ease of being disoriented and lost in these rocks, especially on days with poor visibility. It is located about 50 meters offshore of the Illa de Tossa. The maximum depth of this dive is between 30-33 meters with what it is necessary to be Advanced diver.

The point is located south of the Tossa illa. The rock of Sta. Anna, is a single rock, in a pyramidal form. The deepest level reaches thirty-four meters and the top reaches twenty-six meters. In the northern part, a small low bar extends eastwards. Many cavities and crevices where you can see medium sized groupers, large conger eels and big moray eels.

In front of the Castle of Lloret, heading 150º from Sa Caleta Beach, we find a bar spread out on the sandy beach, which goes very slowly down to thirty-two meters. Very similar to the Fenals Bar, S'esquinça presents a bar 'torn' (Esquinça in Catalan) where the lobsters and moray eels skirt the many abandoned cagesby the fishermen.